First Things First
Whatever you’re shopping for:
A green getaway with absolute privacy, a mid-century tract home with original charm, a condo with just enough outdoor area to grow a tomato plant, or a country estate with a pool — I look forward to the challenge and reward of serving you.
Selection of a home is a lifestyle choice…
…not just a priced by square foot commodity purchase – requiring more consideration than “how much house can it I get for what I have to spend?” Many more questions need asking: How many hours per week am I willing to devote to commuting? How much money and time would I like to have left after paying my mortgage, for spend on hobbies or saving for other activities? Do I want to garden? Should I put a gardener in my budget? Or would a ‘let it grow wild’ yard be best for me? Do I want to bike to work? Do I want to walk daily, and where, and why — to shopping, for exercise, as mediation, or just to get the dog out of the house? Do schools matter? Questions such as these should be answered before attempting a real estate purchase decision; and, when answered, will create a touchstone to be used going forward — for weighing the pros and cons of specific properties and to bring clarity to your decision-making process.
What does HOME mean to you?
Should it also function as an art studio, an office, or a gym? Should it serve as a tribute to your financial success? Do you need a media, music, crafts, or sewing room? Would you like it to have an accessory dwelling (ADU, an “in-law”, au pair, or granny unit)? And for what purpose — as an actual dwelling for a family member or only as a rental unit? How important is privacy? Do you want to be part of a sociable neighborhood or do you want minimal interaction with the neighbors? Is this home just a stepping-stone to something bigger and better in the future or are you seeking a place that will be adaptable and serve your needs indefinitely?
Are you new to Sonoma County?
Need some help determining which areas might suit you best? I’ve lived in Sonoma County since 1972 and have sold homes from Oakmont to Occidental, Petaluma to Healdsburg. I would be glad to put together and take you on a get-to-know-Sonoma-County-tour of various communities and neighborhoods, so that you can identify those that might be a good match for you, then we can focus your search accordingly.
I’ve built my business primarily thru investing in buyer clients…
…providing the research and information required for making intelligent well-informed decisions. I provide access to Sonoma County market data and property specific background information (as well as to the interiors of properties). And, once an appealing property is found I’ll provide information on recent sales of similar properties to assist in making an objective evaluation of what to offer.
With your instruction I can build and save a personalized search…
…of the Sonoma County’s Multiple Listing Service (MLS) just for you. This function, called a Client Portal, can be set to automatically send out notifications whenever a listing that meets your criteria is added to the database and when there is a status or price change to a listing previously provided. To receive, just ASK.